I’m Not The Expert But..
Pól and Derek share their completely amateur and often funny takes on a varied array of topics from Quantum Physics, to the latest episode of South Park and everything in between. So get comfy, and put the kettle on.. The very excellent music we use in our intro is by: https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden (We claim no ownership of it whatsoever).

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Join us this week as we dive into the life and achievements of one of the greatest minds the world has ever known.
Born July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, Austrian Empire (now Croatia), #NikolaTesla had quite a unique mind.
#Tesla immigrated to #America in 1884 and set humanity on the road to some pretty incredible places with many of his #innovations.
What at first seemed like an uninspiring #episode (unless you're an engineer or an inventor), turned out to be one of the most thought-provoking episodes we at #ImNotTheExpertBut have done to date.
Hey, how can a guy that had a #remote_control boat before the #20thCentury began, not be a bunch of fun?
This #Friday from #midnight, we celebrate the #inventor_Extraordinaire that was Nikola f*cking Tesla.
This is one you don't want to miss.
#ACDC #AC #DC #AlternateCurrent #DirectCurrent #TheTeslaCoil #TheMagnifyingTransmitter #TeslaTurbine #Shadowgraphs #NeonLamp #InductionMotor #NiagaraFalls #Transformer #House #TheRadio #TeslasDeathRay

Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
For the day that's in it, join us as we dive back into The #Origins of #ValentinesDay from #Season2.
Listen to how the whole thing has its start in #Celtic #Tradition - and boy was it a weird tradition!
Scmooches and all that garbage to all!
#Lupercali #Virility #Sacrifice #INTEB #ImNotTheExpertBut

Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
This #ValentinesDay2025, to mark this global celebration of love and because the both of us are such romantic sh*tes, we'd like to share a tale of bootlegging, prostitution & murder - with an (un)healthy dash of syphillis thrown in, with you lovely people. Figuratively speaking, that is.
The #ValentinesDayMassacre in #Chicago in 1929 was one of the most infamous events in #history. Seven associates of #bootlegger George "Bug" Moran were gunned down by 4 unknown individuals.
All of this took place during a time when drinking 'alcohol was a crime. #Prohibition led to the establishing of illegal #bootlegging tradelines. #Prostitution, #Speakeasies & #IllegalGambling were the whispers on every street corner.
Join us as we dive into the murky world that led to the #ValentinesDayMassacre and some the aftermath..
#INTEB ImNotTheExpertBut

Friday Jan 24, 2025
Friday Jan 24, 2025
We've got an absolute belter to start you off on #Season3. Join us as Pol takes us through a fantastic tale of bravery, ingenuity and downright #Cojones!
On 16 September 1979, two families escaped from #EastGermany by crossing the border into #WestGermany, in the dead of night, in a homemade #HotAirBalloon. Though many iterations and a couple of failed attempts, two enginner-come-balloonists attempted to escape to a better life for them and their families.
The #EastGermanAuthorities were kept out of the loop via some clever thinking and some brazenly lucky moments.
This is one you don't want to miss...
#INTEB #ImNotTheExpertBut

Monday Dec 30, 2024
Monday Dec 30, 2024
Welcome to the Season 2 Review, everybody!
Join us as we listen back to a few of our favourite moments from some of the best episodes from #2024.
We'll see you all on the 17th of January, 2025!
Happy #New #Year!
00:15 - 03:44 - We're Gonna Need Aa Bigger Episode
03:54 - 06:01 - INTEB's Believe It Or Don't (IDGAF) [dec 2023]
06:07 - 08:09 - Merry Krampus & A Grylla New Year
08:14 - 12:20 - The Ology Of Earthquakes (Part I)
12:25 - 20:32 - The Ology Of Earthquakes (Part II)
20:36 - 31:05 - 10 Cent Beer Night
31:11 - 34:49 - The Origins of Valentines Day
34:53 - 39:36 - The Bone Wars
39:44 - 43:50 - The Unbelievably Ridiculous Legend Of Hugh Glass
43:59 - 45:39 - INTEB's Believe It Or Don't (IDGAF) [apr 2024]
45:44 - 50:40 - Action Park
50:48 - 53:36 - Fyre Fest: How To Scam A Millenial And Get Away With It
53:44 - 57:56 - Zombies & Werewolves & Vampires, Oh My! (Zombies)
57:59 - 1:01:47 - Zombies & Werewolves & Vampires, Oh My! (Werewolves)
1:01:49 - 1:04:23 - Zombies & Werewolves & Vampires, Oh My! (Vampires)
1:04:30 - 1:09:19 - The Easily Avoidable Disaster Of The Titanic
1:09:25 - 1:14:31 - The Darkside Of Fairytales
1:14:36 - 1:19:36 - Welcome To The Middle Ages, Stinkbags!
1:19:39 - 1:24:01 - Christmas Movies That Aren't
#INTEB #ImNotTheExpertBut #Christmas #ChristmasMovies #NewYear #Celebrations #2024 #2025

Friday Dec 20, 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Happy Christmas 2024 everybody! As this is the last Friday before the big day, it's time for our #Christmas episode.
This year, myself and Pol are having a Christmas-movie duel of sorts. Well, not quite but that makes it sound more dramatic. We decided to put a twist on it though.
Instead of making it a regular oul #ChristmasMovie-list-comparison-doodad, we decided to see if there's any room at the inn for a list of movies, that aren't considered "Christmas Movies" per se, but are only watched at #ChristmasTime anyway. And it turns out there is!
Everyone's list of "Christmas movies, that aren't" is going to differ to ours, but that's what makes it interesting. It's a conversation you can have with different people, again & again, and you'll always get a different outcome(s). Sometimes you agree and sometimes you won't. The two of us are great examples of that!
Join us as we laugh our way through comparing our respective festive movie lists, thats aren't quite festive movies (but they are).
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!
Don't forget to do something nice for someone else in your life!
#INTEB #ImNotTheExpertBut #Christmas #Xmas #New #Year #NewYear #FestiveFun #Movies

Friday Dec 13, 2024
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Are you superstitious? Yes? No? Are you sure? This week, Del and Pól explore some well known, and some pretty obscure superstitions. Wait until you hear about their origins too..

Friday Dec 06, 2024
Friday Dec 06, 2024
The Middle Ages stunk! That's my opinion, so there.
Join us this #Friday, as we take a look at the general hygiene standards of the Middle Ages. It's not so much a look at the sanitation they lived with (we covered that in Are You Taking Sh!te Again[?] and there's no need to go over it again).
This one is a look at how often they washed (but it's not too close a look on account of the smell).
Some of the evidence in history books that argued the point that the #MiddleAges DIDN'T stink, and some argued that the #MiddleAges DID stink.
My argument isn't that they weren't hygienic (or aware of it's importance), I argue that the whole age STUNK! And as we'll see in the episode, their method of washing their clothes undoubtedly led to an abundance of stink & funk.
Join us as we hold our noses while we investigate one of the smelliest times in #history.
#INTEB #ImNotTheExpertBut

Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Join us at #midnight to dive into The Darkside of #Fairytales!Be warned! - This ain't no #Disney channel #fairytale!Where these tales come from is cold, dark & disturbing. The really crazy thing is; it's not as if they're lesser-known fairytales.THESE THINGS ARE THE MOST POPULAR ONES OUT THERE!Thankfully, the stories we all know and love were given the #Disney treatment. If they hadn't been, who knows how unbalanced we all might've turned out?Join us from midnight for a really great laugh at fairytales like you've never heard them told before.This is one we're very excited to share!
#SleepingBeauty #Pinnochio #TheFrogPrince #Cinderella #TheLittleMermaid

Friday Nov 15, 2024
Friday Nov 15, 2024
One of the most well known sea disasters is the story of #Titanic, the world’s first 'unsinkable ship', which sank on its maiden voyage across the #Atlantic.
It’s a story we all know but what you mightn’t know is just how badly #WhiteStarLines behaved before AND after the tragedy. Or how badly the captains of a couple of vessels behaved during the events of the 15th of April, 1912.
The tragedy of Titanic prompted a series of stricter #maritime safety standards. And rightly so.
In this episode, we discuss the #tragedyofTitanic’s sinking and the horrendous loss of life that occurred, brought on by the irresponsible actions of many individuals and how appalling some people (not on the ship), behaved.
#INTEB #ImNotTheExpertBut #titanicmovie #titanicbelfast #titanicmuseum #Titanic #tragedyatsea