I’m Not The Expert But..

Pól and Derek share their completely amateur and often funny takes on a varied array of topics from Quantum Physics, to the latest episode of South Park and everything in between. So get comfy, and put the kettle on.. The very excellent music we use in our intro is by: https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden (We claim no ownership of it whatsoever).

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Ten Cent Beer Night

Friday Feb 02, 2024

Friday Feb 02, 2024

In the history of bad ideas in sports, this ranks as one of the worst. There's probably a "worst ideas in sports" list somewhere on the internet and if TEN CENT BEER NIGHT isn't in the top ten of that list, I'd be surprised & alarmed in equal measure. 
"Suprised" because the author of that list doesn't think Ten Cent Beer Night is worthy enough (or has never heard of it) and;
"Alarmed" because that means there's 10 worse ideas out there. 
If you've never heard of Ten Cent Beer Night before, rectify that right now! It's crazy and you'll love it!
If you have heard of Ten Cent Beer Night before, you'll know what we're talking about, but treat yourself to the story again, you deserve it.

Friday Jan 19, 2024

In part 2 of The Ology of Earthquakes, we find out if Fukushima was a mere Diablo Canyon 2 (from The Simpsons) or if it came close to a Chernobyl-type scenario?
(Hint - it was the latter).
We discuss one of the worst disasters in recorded history; the 2004 tsunami that brought so much devastation to the countries surrounding the Indian Ocean - and also just how far the tsunami reached before it ran out of energy.
We'll also tell you how Greek legends fit in with earthquakes. Be sure to hold onto your hat for this one..it's a bit dark and more than a bit disturbing.

The Ology of Earthquakes

Thursday Jan 04, 2024

Thursday Jan 04, 2024

Earthquakes are ever-present. There are a million or so quakes around the world every year, ranging from the most innocuous tremors to the catastrophic scenarios we all think of when we hear the term "earthquake".
Join us as we dive into the science behind earthquakes in a very amateur fashion because hey(!), we're all about the amateur angle!
This is starting 2024 of on a really good footing, if you'll excuse the parlance.

Friday Dec 22, 2023

IT’S THE CHRISTMAS EPISODE! It’s festive and it’s fun and it’s festive again.
But if you think it’s all festive fun & shit, all I’ll say is; “Yeah, you keep thinking that”. There’s some traditions waaaay worse than telling your kid that if they don’t behave, they’ll only get a lump of coal for Christmas. Have a listen to find out what they are…I guarantee, they’ll surprise you, and maybe mildly shock you too.
SEE YOU IN 2024..

Friday Dec 15, 2023

J’ever hear a fact that stopped you dead in your tracks and an involuntary “WHAT!?” escaped your mouth without warning? Or heard something so unbelievable, so ludicrous that your very essence absolutely refused to believe it? Well, here’s a bunch of them..they might not all illicit the responses just mentioned but we guarantee, they will illicit a response.
It’s with great pleasure that we introduce the very first episode of INTEB’s: Believe it or Not* (complete with our own unique twist on the title).
*This episode owes BIG thanks and a huge debt of gratitude to Andrew Kavanagh for yet another glorious poop anecdote. The Godfather ain’t got nuthin, meet the Plopfather, y’all.
#INTEBsBelieveItOrNot #RaRaRasputin #Space #Oubliettes #BoneyM #DaveMatthewsBand #ImNotTheExpertBut #INTEB #Season2

Friday Dec 01, 2023

Sharks have been swimming in the oceans of the world for an estimated 450 million years - EVEN BEFORE TREES EXISTED!
The Great White, probably the most famous shark of them all, has developed a very bad & somewhat undeserved reputation over the years. 
An amazing animal, it's one of nature's most incredible predators, but it's not alone. Not by a long shot. Join us for the most incredible dive into sharks (pun very much intended). 
However, we can't call this a deep dive because there's just too much to fit into just one episode. Or even two. Think of this as more of a wade through a shark-infested paddling pool. This is gonna be one to revisit somewhere down the road...
Welcome to season 2!

Friday Nov 03, 2023

It's the end of season 1! Grab a cup of tea and enjoy our review of the best episodes from season 1.
Alternatively, you can use the index below to jump to your favourite clip from certain episodes. 
00:19 Ray Harryhausen02:47 - Medusa's Shit Deal06:15 -Immortal Jellyfish & Sci-fi Reality09:34 - Ha Ha, April fools11:57 - Very Superstitious15:07 - The Chocolate & Popcorn Gods17:30 - Unsciency DNA21:25 - We Need To Discuss Your Dog23:27 - Stone Age Monkeys25:49 - From Apollo To Artemis, Mankind's Pissing Contest27:45 - Fasting on Friday, Shoeless On Sundays & And Other Plague Cures29:23 - Interesting Junk & Stuff30:46 -So You Think You Know The Celts (part 1)33:44 - So You Think You Know The Celts (part 2)36:56 - Flip Who The What Now?40:05 - Grace O' Malley, Pirate Queen43:16 - Are You Talking Shite Again46:23 - And Now The Weather (part 1)49:33 - And Now The Weather (part 2)52:30 - When Volcanoes Explode (part 1)55:07 - When Volcanoes Explode (part 2)58:16 - Very Superstitious 21:01:29 -Mind Blown!1:04:58 - Samhain, The Origins of Halloween
See you on December 1st for season 2!

Friday Oct 27, 2023

This week's episode is our Halloween special.
Samhain is the original Halloween. All the things people love about Halloween originated in the Samhain Harvest Festival celebrated by the ancient Celts.
Why do we dress up at Halloween? Why do we trick or treat? Why do we carve Jack O'Lanterns? And why carve them from pumpkins? 
Find out everything you ever wanted to know about one of the best holiday seasons given to the world by the #Irish. A fact we couldn't be more proud of. 
#INTEB #ImNotTheExpertBut #Samhain #Halloween #PumpkinCarving #Ghosts #Ghouls #Goblins #JackOLanterns #Podcasts #PodcastAndChill

Mind Blown!

Friday Oct 20, 2023

Friday Oct 20, 2023

"This week we're into blowing minds. The time has come to, once more dive into the internet and find some lesser known, yet crazy interesting facts that will Blow. Your. Mind.
Well, we can't say it'll be your mind that gets blown but it might very well be. There's only one way to find out one way or the other...
Get your ears around this.
#INTEB #ImNotTheExpert #MindBlown #Facts #InterestingFacts #Podcasts #PodcastAndChill #podcastersoffacebook

Very Superstitious 2

Friday Oct 13, 2023

Friday Oct 13, 2023

To mark the day that many people around the world fear through superstitious or even religious beliefs, here's our very own Very Superstitious 2. A compilation of stories & superstitions from around the world to entertain, amuse & even distract you from a day that really doesn't hold any more power over you than any other day-of-the-week.
But just on the off chance #FridayThe13th is a big, scary monster lurking in the dark recesses of the day, you might want to think about protecting yourself with this talismanic doozy of an episode.
Happy FridayThe13th everyone

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